Uplifted Yoga Sequence and Meditation

Uplifted Yoga Sequence and Meditation

uplifted yoga sequence

Have you ever felt that high after a truly blissful yoga class? That is uplifted yoga. Uplifted yoga takes yoga one step further to truly inspire you and motivate you to dive deep within and remove the veil over your mind to let your inner light shine forward. Through a powerful, uplifting yoga sequence and meditation practice, you can bring your yoga practice to the next level and energize your body, mind, and soul.

In this article, we will explore what it truly means to get uplifted in a yoga practice through an uplifted yoga sequence and uplifted meditation practice. We will then explore uplifted yoga teacher training programs or uplifted YTT and how you can bring uplifting yoga techniques into your yoga classes as a transformational yoga teacher. So, are you ready to get uplifted? Then let’s dive in!

What Does It Mean to Get Uplifted?

Uplifted has become a common term nowadays to hype people up during their yoga practice, but what does it actually mean? Getting uplifted can feel different for each person. Still, essentially it means to feel better about yourself, feel more inspired and motivated, and access a glimmer of awakening or a peek into the experience of enlightenment.

Uplifted yoga is the experience you feel during a yoga practice where everything else fades away. Uplifted yoga can be related to the feeling of ananda or bliss. The core aim of yoga in traditional yoga practice is to access this inner state of ananda or bliss. According to yoga philosophy, underneath all the layers of the body and mind lies the anandamaya kosha, or the bliss body. This is our true core self. And through deep yoga practices and meditation, we can access this inner state of upliftment and ananda that is our true and constant internal state.

Uplifted Yoga Sequence

Creating an uplifted yoga sequence isn’t just about the poses; it is also about the energy that you bring to your yoga practice and the deep connection you cultivate with your body and your breath. The more aligned you can get your body, breath, and mind into one, the more upliftment and connection you will feel during your yoga practice.

But there are also specific poses that can help you deepen into upliftment and access this higher state of awareness. Particularly back bending yoga postures can help to facilitate this feeling of upliftment by promoting a deeper opening in the front of the body and encouraging the upward movement of prana or vital life force energy. Additionally, inversion yoga poses can facilitate upliftment in your body and mind by redirecting the flow of prana and promoting a higher state of awareness.

See below for an uplifted yoga sequence to get you started:

·      Half Lotus Pose (Ardha Padmasana) – start out with a grounding meditation!

·      Cat and Cow Pose (Marjariasana and Bitiliasana)

·      Child’s Pose (Balasana)

·      Sun Salutation A (Surya Namaskar A)

·      Sun Salutation B (Surya Namaskar B)

·      Warrior 2 Pose (Virabhadrasana II)

·      Extended Side Angle Pose (Parsvakonasana)

·      Half Moon Pose (Ardha Chandrasana)

·      Crescent Lunge Pose (Anjaneyasana)

·      Revolved Lunge Pose (Parivritta Parsvokanasana)

·      Pyramid Pose (Parsvottanasana)

·      Standing Splits Pose (Urdhva Prasarita Eka Padasana)

·      Forward Fold Pose (Uttanasana)

·      Garland Pose (Malasana)

·      Crow Pose (Bakasana)

·      Crocodile Pose (Makarasana)

·      Locust Pose (Salabhasana)

·      Bow Pose (Dhanurasana)

·      Child’s Pose (Balasana)

·      Head to Knee Pose (Janu Shirshasana)

·      Forward Fold Pose (Paschimottanasana)

·      Headstand Pose (Shirshasana) – alternate option is Shoulderstand Pose (Sarvangasana)

·      Child’s Pose (Balasana) – alternate option after Shoulderstand is Fish Pose (Matsyasana)

·      Wind-Releasing Pose (Apanasana)

·      Reclined Spinal Twist Pose (Supta Matsyendrasasna)

·      Happy Baby Pose (Ananda Balasana)

·      Corpse Pose (Savasana)

As you practice this uplifted yoga sequence, remember to truly deepen into the experience of upliftment, you need to focus your awareness on your breath and allow yourself to become immersed in the present moment. So, give this yoga practice a try, transform your yoga practice into a moving meditation, and feel the power of this uplifting vinyasa yoga sequence.

Uplifted Meditation Practice

Meditation practice naturally creates a feeling of upliftment in the body, mind, and soul. But practicing uplifted meditation can intentionally take this to the next level and truly make a transformative experience within you. Some of the most potent uplifted meditation techniques are mantra meditation, dance meditation, visualization meditation, and yoga nidra. These techniques help you to tap into a deeper level of inner consciousness and create a sense of upliftment in all layers of your inner being.

Uplifted meditation practice begins by remembering your intention or sankalpa for your practice. By focusing on this cultivation of inner upliftment, you can help direct your energy to this purpose and harness the power of prana or life force energy within you.

How to Bring Upliftment into Your Yoga Classes

Creating an uplifted yoga class requires more than just understanding yoga poses or creating the perfect playlist; it is a combination of a range of factors that uniquely synthesize to promote an experience of profound transformation and awakening. Below we will explore some of the key components to cultivating an inspirational methodology and uplifted yoga class.

1.     Create a Harmonious Yoga Sequence

The cornerstone of an uplifted yoga class is the powerfully choreographed yoga sequence. To create the experience of upliftment, it is essential to have each yoga pose smoothly transition into the next and to create a flowing vinyasa sequence. The more that you can string together poses that naturally move together, the greater the inner state of flow your students will feel, which naturally creates an uplifted yoga experience.

2.     Focus on Uplifting Yoga Poses

In addition to a smooth sequence, try to add in more uplifting yoga poses into the class through back-bending postures and inversions. All yoga poses can create an experience of upliftment if guided well. Still, these posture types are particularly powerful in supporting upliftment because they direct the flow of prana or life force energy towards the head, facilitating this feeling.

3.     Promote Breath, Body, and Mind Awareness

In an uplifted yoga class, the crucial component of this yoga style is to promote a deeper connection between the body, breath, and mind. By truly unifying or yoking these together, your students will experience a deeper state of awareness and can access their embodied selves. The ultimate purpose of yoga is to support this union. As an uplifted yoga teacher, you can support this experience by encouraging your students to move with the breath, focus their awareness on the sensations in their body, and sequence each movement in line with the inhalation and exhalation.

4.     Energize the Environment with an Uplifted Yoga Playlist

Music can ultimately transform the atmosphere of any yoga class into an uplifted yoga class. With a more energizing and melodic yoga playlist, your students will feel naturally engaged with the yoga class. A common methodology is to sequence a yoga playlist by starting with relaxing music which gradually builds to a peak energizing song and then tapers back down to relaxing music at the end as well.

5.     Deepen Into Uplifted Meditation

Starting and ending your yoga practice with meditation can also facilitate this uplifting experience. Meditation naturally raises your consciousness level and can foster the feeling of oneness in your students. Try to start your class with a grounding meditation or mindfulness practice to settle into the body, and then end the class in savasana with a body scan meditation or visualization meditation.

6.     Synthesize with Uplifted Yoga Philosophy and Wisdom

To truly take your uplifted yoga class to the next level, bringing in the ancient wisdom of yoga philosophy can transform the entire experience. Some yoga teachers choose to bring this into the beginning of a yoga class in a dharma talk. But it is best to weave these teachings into the entire class and create a focused experience on certain yoga philosophy principles to elevate the experience and focus the intention on a higher purpose.

The Benefits of an Uplifted YTT

Yoga is a naturally uplifting practice, but there are also some specific ways to become a truly uplifted yoga teacher. Creating a feeling of upliftment in your yoga classes takes time and practice to develop this harmonizing atmosphere and transformational experience.

By joining an uplifted YTT program, you can learn how to create this uplifting experience for your students and become the inspirational yoga teacher you have always dreamed of becoming. Yoga is so much more than just the poses – it is about synthesizing this wisdom together into a unique practice that creates a profoundly uplifting experience for all and supports each student’s movement toward awakening.

Join Our Uplifted Yoga Teacher Training!

Feeling the deep upliftment from a powerful yoga practice is a common experience, but to truly cultivate this experience in your yoga classes takes a unique approach. By being more conscious of the energy you bring into your teaching and yoga sequences, you can utilize uplifted yoga and meditation techniques to transform your yoga practice and deepen your inner and outer experience.

In our uplifted yoga teacher training, we take the uplifted YTT to the next level to support you in accessing deep inspiration, motivation, and awakening from within. So, if you are searching for a truly transformational yoga teacher training experience, then don’t hesitate to reach out to us to join our uplifted YTT program and become a truly uplifting yoga teacher!