Best Yoga Certifications for Beginners

Learn What Yoga Certifications Make Sense For You

The Best Yoga Certifications for Beginners

best yoga certifications for beginners

Whether you are an experienced yoga practitioner or a complete beginner, pursuing a yoga teacher training course is absolutely still available to you! Many people mistakenly believe that they need to be practicing yoga for decades before they can ever take a yoga teacher training course. But many students actually sign up for a YTT simply to deepen their own personal yoga practice or to establish a strong foundation as a beginner.

Yoga teacher training is accessible to students of all levels. In this article, we will explore some of the most common questions that beginners ask before starting a yoga teacher training, along with a discussion of the best yoga certifications for beginners. Now, let’s dive in!

Can You Do Yoga Teacher Training as a Beginner?

One of the most common questions people ask is if they can even do a yoga teacher training as a beginner. Well, here’s the simple answer: yes! That being said, it can be a bit more complicated than that at times, which we will explore here now.

Some yoga schools do have entry requirements for their students. For example, they may require that students have practiced yoga daily for a certain period of time, perhaps one month to up to a year or longer. However, most yoga schools do not have these stringent requirements and accept students of all levels.

The other important consideration is to know your level of physical fitness before starting the course. Yoga teacher training can be a physically demanding process, and some schools may not be able to accommodate certain limitations. If this is an issue for you, try to find a yoga school that emphasizes accessible and adaptive yoga practices that will have no barriers to entry.

If you have never practiced yoga before in your life, you may benefit from at least attending a few classes before investing in full training. It is always best to have a bit of preparation before diving into an entire course to ensure it is the right fit for you.

What Do I Need to Know Before Yoga Teacher Training?

Some yoga students mistakenly believe that they need to be an expert at yoga before they can ever begin yoga teacher training. Well, here is the good news – this couldn’t be further from the truth! Many complete beginners pursue yoga teacher training and gain a lot out of their experience in the course. This is particularly true in an accessible or adaptive yoga teacher training course, which is tailored to meet each student where they are.

That being said, it is a good idea to at least have a basic understanding of yoga or somewhat of a regular yoga practice before starting yoga teacher training. You can begin this process by simply attending classes at your local yoga studio and exploring different yoga styles, teachers, and workshops. There is so much to learn in yoga, so don’t worry if you feel like you are behind – you have a lifetime to continue learning!

how to get certified in yoga

Can You Teach Yoga Without Training?

Depending on where you live, most places have little to no regulation on the yoga industry. In these locations, technically, anyone can be a yoga teacher, with or without training. However, this can be dangerous because proper training is intended to keep students safe and prevent injuries. Pursuing yoga teacher training ensures that you have the knowledge necessary to safely guide students through various yoga practices.

Additionally, many liability insurance carriers, gyms, and yoga studios require teachers to have a minimum of 200 hours of yoga teacher training. Without a yoga teacher certification, this can limit your opportunities to work and teach others. Many teachers also view it as unethical to teach yoga without proper training.

That being said, there is also a difference between training and certification. A person may have spent years training from a qualified yoga master but never receive a certification. Whereas nowadays, some teachers simply buy a certification without actually receiving adequate training. In our opinion, it is better to focus on deepening your knowledge of yoga than accumulating credentials! While credentials are undoubtedly necessary, ultimately, the depth of your experience and knowledge is what will set you apart as a yoga teacher.

The Best Yoga Certifications for Beginners

Now, to answer the question you came here for – what are the best yoga teacher certifications for beginners? The foundational yoga teacher certification course is the 200-hour yoga teacher certification. This course is considered an entry-level yoga training that is well suited for both beginners and experienced students.

The 500-hour yoga teacher certification course can also be an excellent option for beginner yoga students as it begins with the 200-hour yoga teacher training and then continues on into the advanced 300-hour yoga teacher training course. This combination of courses is an excellent option for those students who want to dive deeper into the wisdom of yoga and feel ready to commit to their learning.

Beyond these base levels of certification, it is also essential for beginner yoga students to find a yoga teacher training course that emphasizes accessible and adaptive yoga. This style of teaching is more straightforward for beginner students to adjust to and meet them where they are rather than pushing them beyond their limits. All yoga should be accessible to all, but unfortunately, some training programs are better geared to that than others.

How to Prepare for Yoga Teacher Training

1.     Deepen Your Personal Yoga Practice

The best way to prepare for a yoga teacher training course is to strengthen your personal yoga practice. If you are a beginner to yoga, then try exploring various yoga studios or online classes to expose yourself to as much variety as possible. Getting into a regular routine of daily yoga practice is a great way to build a strong foundation as you begin your YTT course.

2.     Explore the 8 Limbs of Yoga

You may not know this yet, but yoga is actually so much more than yoga poses! Yoga is a vast and beautiful philosophical system that has an incredible amount of wisdom to offer. The 8 limbs of yoga are considered the foundation of yoga philosophy. Try reading articles online or getting a book on the 8 limbs of yoga to begin exploring this concept and applying it to your own life.

3.     Take Care of Your Health

Before embarking on a yoga teacher training course, it is essential to ensure that your body and mind are up to the task. The more well-cared for and rested you are, the better student you will be. Since yoga is an embodied practice, we must first take care of the temple of our being. A healthy diet and regular exercise are significant first steps to preparing for your yoga teacher training course.

4.     Save Up Financially

Yoga teacher training can sometimes be a costly endeavor, so you may need to research the tuition costs of your desired course and begin saving up in advance. However, there are now many affordable yoga teacher training options and even scholarships available for those in need. Don’t be afraid to ask your yoga teacher training school for information on the options – you never know what you might discover!

5.     Create Space in Your Schedule

Yoga teacher training takes time, so it is also vital that you ensure you have the capacity to take that on. If you are doing an in-person yoga teacher training program, you may have to take time off of work to travel and engage in the course. An online YTT can often provide more flexibility in scheduling, particularly self-paced courses that you can complete at your own pace and in your free time.

6.     Find the Right Yoga Teacher Training Program for You

Taking the time to research and find the best yoga teacher training program for your needs is an essential step in the training process. There is a wide variety of yoga teacher training programs, so make sure that you research the school thoroughly to ensure it meets your needs. The base level standard is to ensure that the course is registered with Yoga Alliance, which is the main registration body for yoga teachers.

Start Your Yoga Teacher Training Online Today!

If you are a beginner in yoga and ready to dive into the depths of yoga already, then yoga teacher training might be an excellent experience for you. Yoga teacher training for beginners is a great way to create a strong foundation for your yoga practice as you continue to explore this vast and infinite philosophy. We are truly all beginners in yoga at the end of the day!

Our online yoga teacher training school is ideally suited to meet the needs of all levels of yoga students – beginners and long-term students alike! We tailor our training materials to provide something for everyone, making the teachings of yoga accessible to all. So, if you are ready to take the leap and begin, then reach out to us for more information on how you can start your online yoga teacher training course today!


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