How To Teach Restorative Yoga: What To Know

By: Steph Ball-Mitchell, ERYT500, RPYT, RCYT, YACEP, CAADC

Here at Online Yoga School, we are your one-stop resource for all things yoga teaching and training. We deeply value a sense of inclusion and community, and our core belief system is centered on creating an environment where you can come, learn, and deepen your practice or student offerings.

Our founder, a seasoned yogi, is thrilled to guide you through the fascinating world of restorative yoga. We created this comprehensive guide that will explore how to teach restorative yoga effectively and what to know about this yoga style, from what it offers to who can practice. We will dive into the significance of getting a restorative yoga certification online, among other crucial aspects of learning and understanding a restorative practice. Let’s begin!

Introduction to Restorative Yoga

What is restorative yoga, and how does it compare to other styles? Restorative yoga is a moderately calm, therapeutic form of yoga that utilizes external props, like blocks, bolsters, or straps, to support the body as it eases into deep relaxation, held asanas (postures), and progressive balance. Restorative yoga is a delightful way to release stored stress and tension, and it’s accessible to people of all ages and abilities.

Now, imagine being able to guide others into this state of deep relaxation. Sounds fulfilling, right? That’s what teaching restorative yoga can offer to each student you work with, whether virtually or in person. The primary objective of restorative yoga is deep, sustained relaxation and balance, so offering this to your students regardless of experience level is valuable.

Preparing To Teach Restorative Yoga

Before you start teaching and offering this practice to your students, you need to have a strong foundation in restorative yoga principles. Here are some helpful tips to prepare:

  • Deepen your practice: The more you experience restorative yoga as a student, the better you’ll be able to guide others.
  • Understand anatomy and physiology: A good understanding of the human body can help you adapt poses for different students’ needs. We offer this education in our yoga teacher training course.
  • Learn about props: Know how to use props effectively to support your students in each pose.
  • Get certified: A restorative yoga teacher training program will provide you with the knowledge and credibility to teach confidently, safely, and effectively, further evolving your career opportunities.

Key Elements of Teaching Restorative Yoga

As you embark on your teaching journey, you should keep a few things in mind. For one, make sure you create a safe space. Your students should feel comfortable and accepted during their practice. You should also be able to provide clear instructions, guiding your students into and out of poses and ensuring they’re using props correctly and when necessary.

Another key element is being mindful of students’ needs. Be sensitive to each student and make gentle adjustments as necessary. Also, encourage relaxation by using your voice and energy to promote a calm, peaceful environment.

Finally, keep expanding your knowledge and skills, even after you’ve received your restorative yoga certification. Doing so ensures you always provide the best classes for your students.

Getting Your Restorative Yoga Certification

Before you can adequately offer restorative yoga to your students or offerings, you should consider teacher training that specializes in the philosophy, techniques, and sequencing behind it. You want to enroll in a program that offers comprehensive training and certification, as well as a rich community of like-minded individuals.

The program should cover basic anatomy, yoga philosophy, and teaching techniques and include practical teaching experience. You’ll also want to enroll in a program that offers you Yoga Alliance continuing education with a lifetime of access to your curriculum and materials.

Why Choose an Online Restorative Yoga Certification

Thanks to our comprehensive and reputable online platform, getting your restorative yoga certification online has never been easier. Here’s why an online training program is an excellent option:

  • Convenience: You can learn at your own pace from the comfort of your home.
  • Flexibility: Fit your learning around your schedule, not the other way around.
  • Access to practitioners: Learn from experienced yoga teachers worldwide, not just locally.

An online program is a feasible solution for people with busy schedules, existing student offerings, or anyone looking to deepen their personal practice. Additionally, choosing a program like Online Yoga School means you can access the course curriculum when it’s best for you at an affordable rate.

Embracing the Journey

Teaching restorative yoga can be a deeply rewarding experience for your students and for your own practice. As you guide others toward relaxation and balance, you’ll also deepen your own practice and understanding of yoga. Remember—every great teacher is first a dedicated student, so continue learning, growing, and embracing the beautiful journey that is yoga through 25 hours of continuing education with a restorative yoga certification. Your path to becoming a certified restorative yoga teacher is just a click away. With the accessibility and affordability of an online program, you can get ready to spread tranquility, one pose at a time.

A Note From Online Yoga School

Online Yoga School is proud to offer one of the most extensive, reputable online yoga teacher training programs available. We designed our restorative yoga course to be comprehensive and cater to a range of lifestyle needs so you can enroll anytime and do the work anywhere.

In our restorative yoga teacher training course, you will receive 25 hours of continuing education with Yoga Alliance, along with the following perks:

  • Self-paced training from any device, including a tablet, smartphone, laptop, or PC
  • A lifetime membership to our online community for support and connection
  • Lifetime access to the course materials and curriculum
  • A restorative yoga certification that grants you the unique opportunity to teach yoga anywhere in the world

Whether you actively teach yoga or are looking to evolve your practice, our restorative yoga program is open to all practitioners.

Online Yoga School curated this course on how to teach restorative yoga to engage you with your practice and your students and expand your relationship with yoga and philosophy. Our primary objective in offering this education is to make you a more well-rounded student and teacher so you can broaden your offerings and tap into your mind-body connection even more. Start your journey with Online Yoga School today!

How To Teach Restorative Yoga: What To Know