Chakras in Daily Life: Maintaining Balance and Harmony

Learn How to Incorporate Chakras in Daily Life

Chakras in Daily Life: Maintaining Balance and Harmony

chakras in daily life

The chakras are a powerful tool for healing in daily life, allowing us to access greater balance and harmony from within. When we apply the philosophy of the chakras to daily life, we can transmit this profound wisdom and embody it for deeper transformation. What is the use of philosophical knowledge if we don’t allow it to transform the way that we live?

The philosophy of the chakras can be incredibly complex, but at the end of the day, the most crucial factor is to bring this knowledge into practice. In this article, we will overview the top ten ways to apply the wisdom of the chakras in daily life with tips on how to use the chakras in everyday life through a range of spiritual healing practices. So, let’s dive in!

What Is the Purpose of the Chakras in Daily Life?

The chakras are an esoteric subtle energy that was discovered through deep meditation by ancient sages. The word chakra means wheel, referring to the form of these energy centers in the body to transmute this energy up the spine for spiritual awakening. The chakras cannot be seen by the naked eye, but that doesn’t mean that they are not present – there is so much that is present beyond what we can see!

Many people might think that the chakras don’t have much purpose in daily life and are only used by advanced spiritual practitioners. But the truth is, we all have chakras! So, whether we are aware of it or not, the chakras have an impact on you every day. Working with the chakras provides an avenue for accessing the subtle energy systems present within each of us.

By building an awareness of the chakras, you can build a deeper understanding of your true self. As you gain control over the energy within the chakras, you also gain a deeper awareness of the vital life force energy that permeates our entire existence, leading to the awakening of higher consciousness.

How Do You Use Chakras in Daily Life?

Applying the philosophy of the chakras in everyday life is actually quite simple. We don’t need to know too much about the chakras to begin to experience and understand them. Simply by turning your awareness inwards through meditation and yoga practice, you can start to connect with the energy of your chakras. Some of the best ways to use the chakras in everyday life are through the following practices:

·      Meditation and visualization

·      Yoga poses or asana

·      Mindful breathing or pranayama

·      Crystal healing for the chakras

·      Affirmations for the chakras

·      Aromatherapy for the chakras

·      Color therapy

·      Chakra mantras or sound healing

·      Self-reflection and journaling

Give one of these practices a try and see for yourself the profound experience that connecting with the chakras can provide! In the next section, we will dive even deeper to understand how to use the chakras in everyday life to promote balance and harmony from within.

The Top 10 Ways to Use the Chakras in Daily Life for Balance and Harmony

1.     Deepen Into Self-Awareness

The chakras provide us with another valuable way to get to know our true selves. Each of the chakras corresponds to developmental aspects of the self, emotional states, mental conceptions, and even physical body parts. When we deepen our relationship with a specific chakra, we are also deepening our relationship with these internal states of being.

2.     Enhanced Emotional Healing

Since each chakra is also associated with specific emotions, this allows us a more profound way to work with these emotional states. Often, our feelings can take on a physical manifestation. For example, anxiety may feel like distress in your stomach, whereas depression may feel like a heaviness in the chest. When we connect these physical sensations with the chakras, we can access a method of somatic healing that goes deeper than many other modern therapies.

3.     Align With Your True Purpose

As you begin to explore your chakras through meditation and yoga practice, you can also start to attune to the higher wisdom of your true self. Each individual being has a divine purpose on this earth, but we have forgotten it. When we explore the chakras and more profound meditation practices, we can uncover this true purpose and live a life of greater meaning.

4.     Unleash Your Creativity

The chakras themselves are seats of great power and energy. But specifically, working with the second chakra is an incredible way to unleash greater creativity in your life. The second chakra is your center of creative potential with its connection to the reproductive organs. When you bring this chakra into balance, it can also allow you to access increased skills in creative awareness and application of creative knowledge.

5.     Improve Your Relationships

Relationships are the core of human life. We are not meant to live in; we are meant to be connected to others and to live in harmony. But in modern times, we live in an era of great struggle and suffering because of issues in relationships. Working with the chakras allows you to come into greater balance with the energy of the divine consciousness and, therefore, bring greater balance into your external world as well. As you balance your chakras, your life, in general, will come into greater balance, including your relationships with others.

6.     Promote Physical Wellbeing

Each chakra is connected to physical body parts, endocrine organs, and specific bodily functions. When a particular chakra is blocked or out of balance, this can actually impact the physical body part that it is connected to. Therefore, by balancing your chakras, you can also improve your physical health. One of the most common applications of this is through working with the bottom three chakras, as these chakras are connected with your gut, abdominal organs, the base of your endocrine system, and your reproductive system. The balance of these systems can have a cascading impact on your entire mind, body, and spirit, which we can work to balance through the chakras.

7.     Support Mind-Body Integration

From the stressors of modern life, many people are stuck in their minds, resulting in the everyday experience of anxiety, depression, and chronic stress. The more that we bring the mind and body back into unity, the more that we can balance our overall inner and outer lives. One of the leading causes of disease is stress, and this is because we have split off from our bodies, overfocusing on work with an extreme neglect of emotional health. The chakras provide as a way to balance the mind and emotions through the body as well.

8.     Cultivate Inner Peace

The chakras are not only a way to relieve stress and heal physical health, but they are also a method for accessing more profound inner peace. As you work to balance your chakras and awaken the dormant kundalini energy at the base of your spine, you are also spreading a cascading experience of inner peace throughout your entire being. The power of inner peace can deeply transform your consciousness, bringing you into harmony with the universe itself.

9.     Expand Your Consciousness for Chakras in Daily Life

The ultimate goal of working with the chakras is to expand your consciousness into a higher state. With the stressors of modern material life, many people are disconnected from spirituality and from their true purpose. When you delve deeper into spiritual practice and philosophy, you can also begin to uncover higher states of consciousness, awakening to the true meaning of life. This state of liberation, awakening, or enlightenment is the ultimate goal of yoga practice, and working with the chakras is a powerful method of practice to bring you closer to this goal.

10.  Facilitate Spiritual Evolution for Chakras in Daily Life

The chakras are a powerful, subtle energy system that brings us into a connection with the spiritual potency of the universe and the inner essence of the soul. Underneath the body, we have a network of nadis or energy channels that link together the chakras in an intricate system. When you begin to work with the charkas, you are actually peeling back these many layers or koshas to reveal the core of the self. Underneath this body, you are a divine spirit soul – this is your true spiritual essence!

Learn About the Charkas in Daily Life in Our Online Yoga Teacher Training Course

The chakras are a vast philosophical practice that can take significant time to unravel and understand. But by simply applying some of this wisdom in your yoga practice, you can begin to embody these teachings and experience a great shift in your life with just a few small steps.  Using chakras in daily life can help you improve your overall wellbeing.  Yoga is 90% practice and 10% theory – so we must never forget to practice, practice, practice…and then all that we seek will come!

In our online yoga teacher training course, you will learn the practical application of chakra philosophy and chakras in daily life into yoga asana practice, including breathwork, meditation, mantra, mudras, asanas, and more. Our online 200-hour YTT course gives you the foundations of yoga so that you can deepen your yoga practice and share this wisdom with others. Reach out to us for more information on how you can become a yoga teacher online today!


Online Chakra Healing Course

Understanding the Seven Chakras