Course curriculum

    1. Spotify

    2. Pandora

    3. Music Services Specifically for Yoga

    1. Yin Class Plan 1

    2. Yin Class Plan 2 (90 Mins)

    3. Yin Class Plan 3

    4. Yin Class Plan 4

    5. Yin Class Plan 5

    6. Yin Class Plan 6

    7. Yin Class Plan 7 (Shoulders)

    8. Yin Class Plan 8 (Spine)

    9. Yin Class Plan 9

    10. Yin Class Plan 10 (Yin for Cold Weather)

    11. Yin Class Plan 11 (Yin for Mood Improvement)

    12. Yin Class Plan 12 (Sacral Chakra)

    13. Yin Class Plan 13

    14. Yin Class Plan 14

    15. Yin Class Plan 15 (Gratitude)

    16. Yin Class Plan 16

    17. Yin Class Plan 17 (Stress Release)

    18. Yin Class Plan 18

    19. Yin Class Plan 18

    20. Yin Class Plan 19

    21. Yin Class Plan 20

    22. Yin Class Plan 21 (PM Yin)

    23. Yin Class Plan 22

    24. Yin Class Plan 23

    25. Yin Class Plan 24

    26. Yin Class Plan 25 (Wall Yin)

About this course

  • Free
  • 29 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Yin Playlists and Classplans

This course comes for free when you are enrolled in our Yin Yoga Teacher Training & Immersion Online.  If you're new to yin and want to know more about yin yoga, we would invite you to read our blogs about yin yoga.  

Once you've completed the basic yin yoga teacher training, we welcome you into our Advanced Yin Yoga Teacher Training Course: Journey Into the Meridians where you will learn all about the meridians of yin yoga and how to trace the meridians in yin yoga.

Our yin classplans and playlists are not available for sale independently, but if you're interested in music for yoga classes in general, we have compiled some information for you in our blog.