How To Become a Yoga Teacher for Kids: Key Things To Know

By: Steph Ball-Mitchell, ERYT500, RPYT, RCYT, YACEP, CAADC

Are you passionate about yoga and want to share its benefits with children? Becoming a kids’ yoga teacher can be a rewarding experience, allowing you to help young minds and bodies grow strong and healthy. However, it takes more than just a love for yoga to become an effective teacher for kids. Fortunately, Online Yoga School is here to help with how to become a yoga teacher for kids and a few key things to know before getting your certification.

Why Teach Yoga to Kids?

Before discussing how to become a kids’ yoga teacher, let’s first understand why it is important and beneficial. Children face many stressors, from academic pressures to social media influence. Yoga can help them find balance and calmness amidst the chaos. Yoga also promotes physical strength, flexibility, and coordination, which are essential for healthy development.

Additionally, yoga teaches kids important life skills, such as mindfulness, self-awareness, and self-regulation. You have the power to share your love for yoga and divine wisdom with children, passing the teachings on early in life. As the popular metaphor goes, children are sponges, so understanding yogic philosophies at a young age gives them an opportunity to explore their mental and spiritual well-being before entering adulthood.

Getting Certified: Kids’ Yoga Teacher Training Online

Now you have a basic understanding of the importance and value of teaching yoga to kids, but how can you become a kids’ yoga teacher? The first step is getting certified. You’ll want to take a program through a reputable and recognized school that offers comprehensive teacher training, sequencing, and a quality framework for children.

While in-person training options are available, kids’ yoga teacher training online is becoming increasingly popular due to its convenience and flexibility. It allows you to learn at your own pace and from the comfort of your own home or studio. When choosing a program, make sure your certification is accredited through a highly reputable organization, such as the Yoga Alliance.

Understanding Child Development

To be an effective kids’ yoga teacher, you must have a solid understanding of child development. In the 95-Hour RCYT online program, you will receive the necessary child development education that helps you gain awareness and employ knowledge when working with children.

Children’s bodies and minds are constantly growing and changing, and their needs differ from those of adults. Familiarize yourself with the stages of physical, emotional, and cognitive development in children to tailor your classes accordingly with the education you receive. This will help you create safe and age-appropriate practices that cater to the unique needs of each child. Plus, by employing the developmental education you receive, you will help your students tap into their inner resources, a necessary tool they can use throughout life.

Creating a Fun and Engaging Curriculum

When teaching yoga to kids, you should prioritize making the practice fun and engaging. Children have shorter attention spans than adults, so keeping them interested and motivated throughout the class is a unique challenge.

Incorporate games, songs, stories, and other interactive elements into your curriculum. This will make the class enjoyable for the kids and help them retain what they learn. A reputable RCYT will offer you insight and formal education on how to sequence and theme your practice so children remain engaged in your classes.

Using Positive and Inclusive Language

As a kids’ yoga teacher, creating an inclusive environment for all children is important. To create a welcoming environment, use positive language that celebrates diversity and avoids stereotypes. Instead of saying, “Boys can’t do this pose,” encourage both boys and girls to try it. Similarly, avoid phrases that may be triggering for some children, such as “Be quiet” or “Stay still.”

Instead, use positive reinforcement and encourage children to listen to their bodies. Listening to their bodies is a life skill they will want to use as adults, not just in childhood. As their yoga teacher, you have the unique ability to teach them how to tap into this skill and apply it when they wish.

Incorporating Mindfulness and Breathwork

Yoga goes beyond physical poses, including practices such as mindfulness and breathwork. These techniques can be extremely beneficial for kids, helping them manage stress, improve focus, and regulate their emotions.

To teach yoga to kids, you should understand how to incorporate mindfulness and breathwork into your classes in a fun, age-appropriate way. For example, you can use visualizations or guided meditations to help children connect with their breath and inner selves. Online Yoga School offers these modules in the 95-Hour RCYT, so you can offer these practices to all your students, regardless of age.

Fostering a Sense of Community

Yoga is not just an individual practice; it also promotes a sense of community and connection. Therefore, yoga is best when shared. As a kids’ yoga teacher, you should create a supportive environment where children feel comfortable expressing themselves and interacting with others.

Encourage children to work in pairs or groups during activities, and allow time for sharing at the end of each class. A sharing practice can include class peaks and valleys, what they learned that day, or a new skill they’d like to teach someone else in their world. This intentional time will help foster friendships and create a positive group dynamic.

Finding Opportunities To Practice and Grow

Once you complete your kids’ yoga teacher training program, you can start practicing and gaining experience. Reach out to schools, community centers, and other organizations that offer kids’ yoga classes or workshops. If none are available, consider using your certification to be the host and offer a class from your expertise.

You can also volunteer at local events or offer free classes in your neighborhood to gain exposure and build a following. Additionally, you should continue learning and growing by attending workshops, conferences, and advanced training programs to enhance your knowledge and skills.

The Wrap-Up: Choose Online Yoga School

Becoming a kids’ yoga teacher is a fulfilling journey that requires dedication, passion, and continuous learning. With these key things to know, you can become a yoga teacher for kids. Start your journey today and inspire a new generation to find balance, strength, and inner peace through the practice of yoga. Enroll with Online Yoga School and take part in making a difference. Namaste!