Benefits of Online vs. In-Person Yoga Teacher Training

By: Steph Ball-Mitchell, ERYT500, RPYT, RCYT, YACEP, CAADC

Yoga teacher training (YTT) is an important step for aspiring yogis who want to deepen their practice and gain the necessary tools to become yoga instructors. What’s unique about YTT is there are no requirements for becoming an instructor yourself, and the mastery equips individuals with a profound sense of wisdom, expertise, and skill.

With both in-person and online course options available, it can be difficult to choose a route that suits your desires. Here, we delve into the benefits of online vs. in-person yoga teacher training so you can make an informed decision for your practice.

Advantages of Online Training

Online yoga teacher training courses offer a great deal of flexibility to those with busy schedules. With access to video lectures, written materials, and interactive discussions with instructors, you don’t have to worry about taking time off from work or other obligations to attend a course. Plus, online courses tend to be more affordable than in-person options.

Another advantage of online training is that you can access course content whenever and wherever it is most convenient for you. Refreshing your knowledge of certain topics or going back and reviewing specific materials is easy to do without the need for additional travel. The convenience and affordability of online yoga teacher training make it a great fit for anyone looking to deepen their knowledge and practice without the need to weave in a regimented attendance record.

Advantages of In-Person Training

Despite the convenience of online courses, you can’t digitally replicate some of the advantages of in-person training. For instance, you will have access to hands-on instruction and demonstrations from experienced teachers, which is helpful in gaining a better understanding of the topics discussed in the course.

Additionally, attending an in-person yoga teacher training provides a unique opportunity to build relationships with other aspiring yogis and instructors. The connections you make can be invaluable sources of support throughout your journey as a yogi.

Which Option Is Right for You?

Considering your individual needs and lifestyle is important when deciding which form of yoga teacher training to pursue. The benefits of online vs. in-person yoga teacher training suit almost everyone and every practice. Online courses remain a top choice for all, from the sheer accessibility to the affordability. On the other hand, in-person courses can provide distinct hands-on instruction that may assist in posture mastery, aid in visual learning, and nurture a sense of community.

Online Yoga School is a preferred option for many with our expansive menu of training available and a fully accredited and certified Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga School. We offer 200-hour, 300-hour, 500-hour and prenatal training, Ayurvedic education, and so much more. We look forward to helping you deepen your practice, gain more wisdom, and begin a life-changing journey. Namaste, friends!