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Learn How to Start a Kundalini Practice

An Introduction to Kundalini Yoga: Awakening the Serpent Energy

introduction to kundalinki yogaKundalini yoga has now become one of the most popular yoga styles worldwide. This unique yoga style centers the spiritual components of yoga in practice with the aim of awakening the kundalini energy, also known as the dormant serpent energy at the base of the spine. But kundalini yoga is also often greatly misunderstood, and there are different types of kundalini yoga as well.

In this article, we will go over the foundations of kundalini yoga and answer all your burning questions to define kundalini, kundalini yoga, the impacts of kundalini yoga, and how you can start your own kundalini yoga practice. Now, let’s dive in!

What is Kundalini?

Kundalini is the name of the potent energy that resides at the base of the spine within the chakra system. According to yoga philosophy and tantric theory, the kundalini energy is a dormant serpent energy that is coiled within the root chakra at the base of the spine near the pelvis. The primary purpose of the chakra system is to provide a pathway for the kundalini energy to rise upwards to the crown chakra at the top of the head.

When a yoga practitioner or yogi awakens the kundalini energy, it leads to a profound process of spiritual awakening or enlightenment. Kundalini energy is believed to be immensely powerful, and only advanced yogis are believed to be able to tolerate a full kundalini awakening. That is why it is essential to receive proper guidance from a trained kundalini yoga teacher to guide you through this process of kundalini awakening.

When Was Kundalini Discovered?

Kundalini energy was first discovered by ancient yogis and sages through deep meditation. It is difficult to pinpoint exactly when and who made this discovery, but it likely occurred sometime around the 9th-7th centuries. The term kundalini is also sometimes used in ancient texts to refer to the powerful Goddess Durga, a form of Shakti energy. Kundalini energy then became an essential concept in the practice of Hatha yoga in the 15th century.

What is Kundalini Yoga?

In order to define kundalini yoga, it is first important to understand that there are two primary styles of kundalini yoga – traditional kundalini yoga and kundalini yoga created by Yogi Bhajan. Technically, all ancient Hatha yoga practices can be called “kundalini yoga” because these practices were aimed at awakening kundalini. However, the ancient practice of Hatha yoga is very different from modern yoga practice today.

What most people understand as kundalini yoga is actually the practice developed by Yogi Bhajan in the 20th century. This powerful yoga style focuses on awakening the kundalini energy through a combination of poses or asanas, breathing exercises or pranayama, chanting or mantra, meditation, and mudras or hand gestures. Yogi Bhajan synthesized Hatha yoga with Sikh religious philosophy to develop a unique yoga style that exploded in popularity in the Western world.

What Happens When You Start Doing Kundalini Yoga?

Kundalini is believed to be an immensely powerful energy that has a broad-ranging impact on your body, mind, and soul. Through regular kundalini yoga practice, you may experience:

·      Increased energy and vitality

·      Heightened spiritual awareness

·      Attuned mindfulness

·      Deep emotional release and catharsis

·      Improved flexibility

·      Greater physical strength

·      Enhanced balance

·      Ease of movement

·      Spiritual insight and awakening

Kundalini yoga is a spiritual practice, so many of the benefits are focused on spiritual growth and overall wellbeing. As you begin your kundalini yoga practice, you may start to notice these changes and benefits after only one class!

Why is Kundalini Yoga So Powerful?

Kundalini yoga is often viewed as one of the most powerful yoga practices. So, what is the ancient secret that makes this technique so effective? Let’s explore the reasons below:

1.     Awakening the Kundalini Energy

The primary reason that kundalini yoga is so powerful is due to how it allows you to directly access the kundalini energy. For many yoga practitioners, kundalini is often viewed as something elusive or difficult to understand. In kundalini yoga practice, it is entirely focused on kundalini energy with specific techniques aimed at awakening this potent energy and promoting profound transformation from within.

2.     The Holistic Approach of Kundalini Yoga

Unlike many other modern yoga styles, kundalini yoga is a truly holistic approach to yoga practice because it brings the spiritual elements of yoga to the forefront. Many modern yoga styles focus only on the physical body or mental health through stress reduction while altogether skipping over the spiritual teachings of yoga. In kundalini yoga, the physical, mental, and spiritual are all considered important and addressed through a holistic approach to healing.

3.     Focus on the Subtle Body

Kundalini yoga extends beyond the physical body and into the subtle energy levels of your being. According to yoga philosophy, each person contains a subtle energetic body that consists of the chakras, or energy centers along the spine, and the nadis, or the channels and pathways that run through the entire body. This vast system of energy can be challenging to conceptualize, but it is essential to remember that it isn’t something that can be seen directly – it must be experienced. In kundalini yoga practice, you will gain direct experience with your subtle body and experience profound shifts in your overall energy.

4.     Connected to Lineage and Tradition

Kundalini yoga is a unique yoga style because it has remained rooted in lineage and tradition for hundreds of years. Although modern kundalini yoga by Yogi Bhajan is a new creation, the true form of kundalini yoga practiced by yogis in India has maintained its essential practice and continues to be a powerful method of awakening to the present day. These ancient practices can be witnessed in major yoga festivals in India, such as the Kumbh Mela.

5.     Transformational Potential

Many kundalini yoga practitioners report experiencing benefits almost immediately. These incredibly quick results are due to the fast-acting nature of kundalini energy. In ancient yoga philosophy, kundalini energy is believed to be able to be activated even by a single touch from a qualified guru. Regular kundalini yoga practice can profoundly expand your consciousness and perception, promoting a deep connection with your inner self and your higher power.

Is Kundalini Yoga Safe?

One of the most common questions about kundalini yoga is whether or not this yoga style is safe. Since kundalini yoga is dealing with the subtle energy system, these energies can be incredibly powerful and should always be approached with great reverence and care. A certified kundalini yoga teacher can properly guide you through this process and ensure that any kundalini yoga techniques are tailored to your mental and physical needs.

However, it is important to note that in some cases, kundalini yoga may be contraindicated. Particularly for people with extreme mental illnesses, such as schizophrenia, kundalini yoga may promote greater imbalance and be too intense for this population. Some individuals have reported intense reactions from kundalini awakening, so this practice should always be approached with care.

That being said, kundalini yoga is nothing to be afraid of. It is simply important to emphasize the need for a qualified teacher to guide you through these practices and ensure that you do not move too quickly into kundalini activation before you are able to hold this energy properly within you.

How Do I Start Kundalini Yoga Practice?

Since kundalini yoga is so different from other yoga styles, it is often advised to begin kundalini yoga practice under the guidance of a qualified kundalini yoga teacher. Take some time to educate yourself about kundalini yoga first (like by reading this article!) to find out if kundalini yoga is suitable for you. Then begin to experiment with different kundalini yoga teachers to experience it firsthand.

Look for kundalini yoga teachers who have a certificate in kundalini yoga. Either a Yoga Alliance certified kundalini yoga teacher or a 3HO International certified kundalini yoga teacher is a great place to start. These qualifications ensure that you receive guidance in kundalini yoga from a teacher with sufficient training in this powerful yoga style.

Become a Kundalini Yoga Teacher in Our Online YTT

Kundalini yoga is a potent yoga style that can promote profound transformation in your body, mind, and soul. Through regular kundalini yoga practice, you can awaken your kundalini energy, balance your chakras, improve your physical health, and access inner mental peace. Kundalini yoga is more than yoga for exercise; it is yoga for the soul to promote complete awakening from within!

In our online kundalini yoga teacher training course, we will guide you through the foundations of kundalini yoga and give you the tools to begin sharing this technique with others as well. As a kundalini yoga teacher, you will be fully qualified in this yoga style to practice safely on your own and teach others. An online kundalini yoga YTT is the best way to start this process and gain your certification in kundalini yoga from home! Reach out to us for more information on how you can become a kundalini yoga teacher online today!