By: Steph Ball-Mitchell, ERYT500, RPYT, RCYT, YACEP, CAADC.

Yoga has become a popular practice all around the world, with millions of people incorporating it into their daily lives. But where did this ancient tradition originate? What has been its purpose and evolution throughout history?

Below, we take you on a journey that explores a brief yet informative overview of yoga, its origins, and its benefits. From ancient Sanskrit to modern-day certifications, here is your quick guide to the brief history of yoga.

Origins of Yoga

Yoga is more than 5,000 years old, with its origins dating back to ancient northern India. In Sanskrit, “yuj” means union, to connect, or joining. In translation, this Sanskrit root gives us the word “yoga.” It’s believed that yoga first developed as a spiritual practice with the goal of achieving enlightenment and self-realization, the connection to one’s highest self.

Evolution of Yoga

With time and growing popularity, the yogic world evolved with increased complexity and diversity. Around the 2nd century BCE, the introduction of Yoga Sutras came to fruition, which further introduced the eight limbs of yoga. The eight limbs of yoga became the baseline for yogic philosophy, which expressed breath control, physical postures, external and internal discipline, union and integration, meditation, concentration, and the withdrawal of senses.

Throughout the centuries, various styles of yoga began developing, each with its own focus and purpose. Hatha yoga, which centers on physical postures and breathwork, became popular in the 15th century. Then, in the 19th century, Swami Vivekananda brought yoga to the Western world, sparking interest and leading to its widespread adoption as a form of exercise and meditation.

Modern-Day Yoga

In the 20th century, yoga continued to evolve and attract more followers. In the 1960s and 1970s, it became associated with the counterculture movement and gained popularity in the West as a means of physical fitness. Today, people widely recognize yoga as a holistic practice that combines physical, mental, and spiritual elements.

Benefits of Yoga

The benefits of yoga are numerous and have been well-documented since its ancient origin and reputation. Yoga improves physical health by increasing flexibility, strength, and balance. A regular yoga practice can also reduce stress and anxiety, promote mindfulness and relaxation, and improve overall well-being.

Breathwork Certification Online

One aspect of yoga that has gained attention in recent years is breathwork (known as pranayama in Sanskrit). This practice involves using specific breathing techniques to improve physical and mental health. For those interested in exploring this limb of yoga in more detail, various online certification programs are available.

These programs offer comprehensive training on the science and practice of breathwork, allowing individuals to deepen their knowledge and understanding of this powerful tool for self-care. These courses also provide opportunities for personal growth and development, making them a valuable addition to any yoga teacher’s skill set.

Closing Thoughts With Online Yoga School

Online Yoga School is proud to offer this quick guide to the brief history of yoga with a comprehensive understanding that there is so much more to learn. We invite you to embark on a journey of a lifetime and receive formal education through our affordable programs. We offer breathwork certification online in addition to complete teacher training programs. Start your journey today!